Enjoy this mix from the first lady of feeder
www.myspace.com/tokibeats www.myspace.com/tokimonsta
very tasty shit.
thank you
wow… i gotta post twice. This mix is SIIIIICK!!!
Brainfeeder, grab this CHICK!
totally rad!
Dude, SICK MIXXX! Instant download.
Love the Talkdemonic track… they’re ill!
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Really juiced me this morning, amazing stuff.
fresh !!
incredible stuff…. is there a tracklist anywhere??
Nice beats, cheers for the mix. A tracklist would be educational if anyone’s got one?
Pingback: TOKiMONSTA in case you missed it | Saturn Never Sleeps()
I added your blog to bookmarks. And i’ll read your articles more often!
I read a few topics. I respect your work and added blog to favorites.
Pingback: Dubstep at UCSD - Interview with Tokimonsta [Brainfeeder, Ramp Records]()
A Tracklist WOULD BE NICE!!!! I need a title for the track beginning @ 0:11:56.
My life depends on it.
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Yum Yum! sounds delic, thanks
Tracklist pretty pleeeease
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Pingback: TOKiMONSTA in case you missed it | Saturn Never Sleeps()
Pingback: Dubstep at UCSD - Interview with Tokimonsta [Brainfeeder, Ramp Records]()
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Pingback: pixeloverflow » Tokimonsta – Cosmic Intoxication()
Pingback: Tokimonsta, Can We Be Friends? | To Sow Stars()
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