sounds for dreaming
sounds for dreaming a mix to fall asleep to :: cliff martinez – don’t blow it (solaris soundtrack) brian eno – ambient music for airports (1/4) seven saturdays – suicide leap from hollywood sign flying lotus – ambient practice 11.18.08 strangeloop – wavefronts seven saturdays – the day after (underwater mix) sigur ros – refur...
Ras_G Presents ‘Cosmic Tones 4 Mental Therapy’
Artwork – Flying Lotus Cosmic Tones 4 Mental Therapy Vol.1 (not in order) GB, Flying Lotus, Hudson Mohawke, Kutmah, Matthew David,Smegma,Mono/Poly,Misel Quitno,Peter B,Professor Cantloupe, La Voz Sabia De Los Cosmos, Pudge,Sun Ra, Pharoah Sanders, Mr Oizo,John Baker, Warner Jepson, Carlos Nino & MIguel Atwood Ferguison, Lady Oblivia, Bama,Ta` Raach,…………..Ras_G [display_podcast]
calling:: Dr. Strangeloop
dr. strangeloop : are we lost mammals of an approaching transcendental epoch? arriving june 30th Are We Lost Mammals of an Approaching Transcendental Epoch? from Dr. StrangeLoop on Vimeo.
Samiyam compiled this mix of new and old original beats for a Hyperdub showcase on BBC´s Mary Anne Hobbs a few months back. you might recognize some of the tunes but there should be a few cuts you haven´t heard. Also, towards the end of the mix you get a nice piece of Zomby´s BBC...
Dak – gobtween
A sneak-peek download in honor of Leaving Records‘ first digital release. “Standthis”, available July 7th on digital portals and limited hand-made cassettes, represents the future of psychedelic hip-hop in an addictive EP of epic proportions. DOWNLOAD
Simbad presents ‘Supercosmic Revolution Vol.1′
Simbad is killing it, we’re all pretty lucky as there’s some really amazing stuff in this! A lovely addition to the podcast, he’s already talking to me about Vol.2 Enjoy [display_podcast]
Delighted to share with the brainfeeder boys and girls, a short mix assembled for the influential Los Angeles-based record shop/label PooBahRecords. DOWNLOAD PLAYLIST ——- md_lost_sk1 jana_hunter md_still_forrest md_roomthumpr brother_there md_teebstays md_sundayhike dak_bacharach lapti_ nosaj_thing_drift ende_shneafilet beat_konducta durlin_lurt md_tonalisms_4_poobah